More favorable contributions for women result from demographic research, according to which women have a higher life expectancy than men. Due to its insurance companies must regard fewer cash reserves available as their female customers.

Who receives the insured sum with premature death of the insurance?
In case of the death of the insurance the fixed members or other fixed beneficiary receive the insured sum.

What differentiates a life insurance from private old age pension insurance?
A life insurance can be used for example for the security of the training, a partner or however a credit. The private old age pension insurance serves the creation of a second pension beside the usual legal pension. The risk of the death is usually not secured with the private pension. Where during the life insurance a sum of guaranteed insured sum and surplus is paid, an insurance has the choice between a lifelong pension payment or a unique capital compensation during the private old age pension insurance.

Under which circumstances do the insured ones have to undergo of a medical examination possibly again?
With one by the insured one wished increase of the contribution health questions of the insured person are to be clarified again. With a possible degradation of the state of health of the insurance there can be therefore problems with the adjustment of the insurance protection.

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