There are two kinds of life insurances:
1. Capital life insurances
2. Temporary life insurances
1. A capital life insurance is the combination of a temporary life insurance and a principal investment of funds. The death risk of the insurant is secured and capital is saved at the same time fully, which can be consulted for example for the pension plan. The height of the disbursement sum in the case of experiencing depends on the surplus participation, which is additionally paid by the insurance. This exceeds usually the insured sum. The surplus participation is not a amount of the security, but dependent on it as efficiently the insurance the insurance premiums to put on knew and which interest the insurance thereby obtained. In order different insurance offers, should to be able to compare you a computer forecast of the disbursement sums send themselves.
A capital life insurance has also still fiscal advantages if your amounts of interest-free are already fully exhausted.
Capital life insurances can be used as security for the financing of a real estate. For this the insurers offer offers for mortgages and loans. This kind of the financing is in particular interesting for not real estate even used, since here substantial fiscal advantages can be obtained.
2. The temporary life insurance insured only the death risk of the insured one off and does not offer disbursement with contract end. Contributions for the temporary life insurance are clearly lower from there than for capital life insurances.
They must individually to weigh which you with your life insurance to reach want. A pure security in the death for the survivors or parallel saving of capital for your own security at the age. At recent families with low incomes the priority is frequently on the security of the death risk.
A special kind of the capital life insurance is a direct insurance so called. Here the contribution is paid for the life insurance by the employer as part of earnings/services to the insurance. The contributions are subject to a very low tax rate and can be dependent on the income very interesting.
A capital life insurance has also still fiscal advantages if your amounts of interest-free are already fully exhausted.
Capital life insurances can be used as security for the financing of a real estate. For this the insurers offer offers for mortgages and loans. This kind of the financing is in particular interesting for not real estate even used, since here substantial fiscal advantages can be obtained.
2. The temporary life insurance insured only the death risk of the insured one off and does not offer disbursement with contract end. Contributions for the temporary life insurance are clearly lower from there than for capital life insurances.
They must individually to weigh which you with your life insurance to reach want. A pure security in the death for the survivors or parallel saving of capital for your own security at the age. At recent families with low incomes the priority is frequently on the security of the death risk.
A special kind of the capital life insurance is a direct insurance so called. Here the contribution is paid for the life insurance by the employer as part of earnings/services to the insurance. The contributions are subject to a very low tax rate and can be dependent on the income very interesting.
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