More favorable contributions for women result from demographic research, according to which women have a higher life expectancy than men. Due to its insurance companies must regard fewer cash reserves available as their female customers.

Who receives the insured sum with premature death of the insurance?
In case of the death of the insurance the fixed members or other fixed beneficiary receive the insured sum.

What differentiates a life insurance from private old age pension insurance?
A life insurance can be used for example for the security of the training, a partner or however a credit. The private old age pension insurance serves the creation of a second pension beside the usual legal pension. The risk of the death is usually not secured with the private pension. Where during the life insurance a sum of guaranteed insured sum and surplus is paid, an insurance has the choice between a lifelong pension payment or a unique capital compensation during the private old age pension insurance.

Under which circumstances do the insured ones have to undergo of a medical examination possibly again?
With one by the insured one wished increase of the contribution health questions of the insured person are to be clarified again. With a possible degradation of the state of health of the insurance there can be therefore problems with the adjustment of the insurance protection.

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The contributions are calculated usually in such a way that they remain constant the contract at run time. Increases are possible only if the insurant agreed upon a dynamic increase of contribution and achievement.

The special characteristic of the PKV is it, by the formation of covering resetting precaution for the demand Gesundheitsleistungenzu, rising with the age, forms.

The premium can be adapted by a dynamic increase of contribution and achievement to a rising income and a rising security need hereby connected in different kinds.

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The contributions for capital life insurance are to be made usually for taxation valid as precaution expenditures.

These fiscal regulations are particularly attractive for independent ones, self-employed persons as well as officials.

Do taxes become due on disbursement of the insured sum?
Surplus obtained by the insurance is entitled to the insurant after 12 completed insurance years taxfree, if it at least five years of contributions were carried out. If these legal conditions are not fulfilled, 25% of the interest remain with the insurance as tax, which is exhausted later to the tax office.

How do the contributions of the life insurance compute themselves?
The contributions depend in their height on the sex, age and occupation (with inclusion of an inability to work insurance) of the insured one.

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There are two kinds of life insurances:
1. Capital life insurances
2. Temporary life insurances

1. A capital life insurance is the combination of a temporary life insurance and a principal investment of funds. The death risk of the insurant is secured and capital is saved at the same time fully, which can be consulted for example for the pension plan. The height of the disbursement sum in the case of experiencing depends on the surplus participation, which is additionally paid by the insurance. This exceeds usually the insured sum. The surplus participation is not a amount of the security, but dependent on it as efficiently the insurance the insurance premiums to put on knew and which interest the insurance thereby obtained. In order different insurance offers, should to be able to compare you a computer forecast of the disbursement sums send themselves.

A capital life insurance has also still fiscal advantages if your amounts of interest-free are already fully exhausted.

Capital life insurances can be used as security for the financing of a real estate. For this the insurers offer offers for mortgages and loans. This kind of the financing is in particular interesting for not real estate even used, since here substantial fiscal advantages can be obtained.

2. The temporary life insurance insured only the death risk of the insured one off and does not offer disbursement with contract end. Contributions for the temporary life insurance are clearly lower from there than for capital life insurances.
They must individually to weigh which you with your life insurance to reach want. A pure security in the death for the survivors or parallel saving of capital for your own security at the age. At recent families with low incomes the priority is frequently on the security of the death risk.

A special kind of the capital life insurance is a direct insurance so called. Here the contribution is paid for the life insurance by the employer as part of earnings/services to the insurance. The contributions are subject to a very low tax rate and can be dependent on the income very interesting.

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The life insurance serves the purpose to secure personal risks and save capital at the same time.

At the end of the running time of a life insurance uniquely a sum is disbursed. If the end of the running time should not be experienced, also a death sum is co insured.

The conclusion of a life insurance is meaningful for most different reasons.
Life insurances are almost irreplaceable:
  • in order to secure fiscal advantages
  • as pension plan
  • as security for the family
  • as security for a real estate financing
  • in order to put on larger sums of money
  • as training reserve for the children

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